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Primary antibodies play a vital role in both scientific investigation and diagnostic practices, notably within the realm of cancer research.

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Molecular fish probes have become invaluable tools in the field of molecular biology and genetics.

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We’ll Ensure You Alwasy Get Best Results.

At Genebiosolution, our commitment lies in crafting cutting-edge solutions for researchers, clinicians, and diagnostic laboratories seeking excellence in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). With a focus on quality, reliability, and accuracy, our products empower advancements in molecular diagnostics and research methodologies.


All Tissue Pathology Requirements

Primary Antibodies

Primary Antibodies, Detection Systems, Buffers, Diluents, Automated staining systems etc.

Fish Probes

Our FISH Probes are designed for the identification of genetic aberrations e.g. translocations, deletions, amplifications, and chromosomal aneuploidies.


Autostainer, Microscopes, Microtome, Tissue embedding, Ovens

FITC Antibodies

Antibodies that detect FITC can be used in several scientific applications, including ELISA, Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry etc.

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    BIoxlab is another theme that is beautiful and professinally constructed by the Developers. The price for the template is checp but not qualityh of product.what a bargain , This theme works for many types of web sites and seems to be durble dows nt break and it.

    Darlene Robertson Programmer of (FlaxStudio)

    BIoxlab is another theme that is beautiful and professinally constructed by the Developers. The price for the template is checp but not qualityh of product.what a bargain , This theme works for many types of web sites and seems to be durble dows nt break and it.

    Courtney Henry Programmer of (FlaxStudio)

    BIoxlab is another theme that is beautiful and professinally constructed by the Developers. The price for the template is checp but not qualityh of product.what a bargain , This theme works for many types of web sites and seems to be durble dows nt break and it.

    Kathryn Murphy Manager of (FlaxStudio)

    BIoxlab is another theme that is beautiful and professinally constructed by the Developers. The price for the template is checp but not qualityh of product.what a bargain , This theme works for many types of web sites and seems to be durble dows nt break and it.

    Robertson JR CEO of (FlaxStudio)

    Blogs & Articles

    Immunohistochemistry and the Dawn of Personalized

    In the realm of cancer care, one size does not fit

    • January 25, 2024
    The Role of Immunohistochemistry in Revolutionizing

    In the relentless battle against cancer, precision is paramount. The intricate

    • January 25, 2024
    A Breakthrough in Molecular Fish Probes

    Delving into the Intricacies of Molecular Fish Probes Molecular fish probes

    • January 19, 2024
    Power of Primary Antibodies in Cutting-Edge

    In the realm of cutting-edge research, primary antibodies play a pivotal

    • January 18, 2024
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    Introduction to Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Antibodies:

    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a powerful technique used in biological research and clinical diagnostics to visualize the presence, localization, and abundance of specific proteins within tissues. Primary and secondary antibodies play crucial roles in the success of IHC experiments, facilitating the detection of target antigens.

    Primary Antibodies:

    Primary antibodies are the initial key components in IHC experiments, designed to recognize and bind specifically to the target antigen of interest. These antibodies are derived from various sources, including rabbits, mice, goats, or other species. Researchers carefully select primary antibodies based on their specificity for the target protein and their ability to perform optimally in the chosen experimental conditions.

    Key Features of Primary Antibodies:

    1. Specificity: Primary antibodies are chosen for their high specificity to the target antigen. This ensures accurate detection and minimizes background staining.

    2. Host Species: Primary antibodies are available in different host species, such as rabbit, mouse, goat, and others. The choice of host species depends on factors like the target antigen and the secondary antibody to be used.

    3. Validation: Thorough validation of primary antibodies is essential to ensure reliable and reproducible results. Manufacturers often provide validation data, including western blot analysis, to verify antibody performance.

    4. Concentration and Purity: The concentration and purity of primary antibodies are critical factors influencing the sensitivity and specificity of the IHC assay. Researchers should follow recommended dilutions for optimal staining.

    Secondary Antibodies:

    Secondary antibodies are employed to amplify the signal generated by the primary antibody, enhancing the overall sensitivity of the IHC assay. These antibodies are conjugated with reporter molecules such as fluorophores or enzymes, allowing for visual detection of the target antigen.

    Key Features of Secondary Antibodies:

    1. Conjugates: Secondary antibodies are conjugated with various reporter molecules, including enzymes like horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or fluorophores like Alexa Fluor dyes. The choice of conjugate depends on the detection method and instrument used.

    2. Cross-reactivity: Secondary antibodies should be selected carefully to avoid cross-reactivity with endogenous antibodies in the sample. This ensures specificity and reduces background staining.

    3. Isotype Specificity: Secondary antibodies are designed to specifically recognize the primary antibody’s isotype, further minimizing non-specific binding.

    4. Blocking Reagents: To enhance specificity, researchers may use blocking reagents to prevent the secondary antibody from binding to irrelevant components in the tissue.

    In conclusion, the selection of appropriate primary and secondary antibodies is crucial for the success of immunohistochemistry experiments. Rigorous validation, careful consideration of experimental conditions, and adherence to recommended protocols contribute to the reliability and accuracy of IHC results.


    Most frequent questions and answers for Antibody

    Consider reputation, product quality, customer reviews, and the company’s expertise.

    They provide a range, including primary, secondary, monoclonal, and polyclonal antibodies.

    Yes, many manufacturers offer custom antibody production services tailored to your requirements.

    Look for manufacturers with rigorous quality control processes and validated products.

    Turnaround times vary, but reputable manufacturers aim for efficient production and delivery.

    Yes, many companies offer discounts for bulk or repeat orders, supporting cost-effective research.

    Reliable manufacturers offer technical assistance, troubleshooting guides, and expert support.

    Yes, reputable manufacturers transparently share validation and testing data for their products.

    Manufacturers provide guidelines on storage and handling to ensure antibody stability and efficacy.

    Subscribe to newsletters, follow social media, or check the company’s website for updates on products and promotions.