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Following are the kit options & details of every component:

  1. Whole Genome Sequencing Library Prep options and features:
  • The GeneBioSolution cfDNA & FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit includes adapters that contain unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), which enable bioinformatic error correction.
  • Combining higher complexity and coverage with stringent error correction better enables the identification of ultra-low frequency variants.
  1. Indexing Primers
  • Groups of either 16, 96, 384, 768, or 1536 primer pairs. All are single use (96-well) plates, with a pierceable seal.
  • Designed for high plexity workflows with a 8/10 nt barcode to allow proper edit distance between sample indexes.
  • Each well contains one specific index pair for indexing one sample.

Attachments: Entire list of Indexing primers

     3. GeneBioSolution Hybridization Capture Core Reagents

  • The GeneBioSolution Hybridization Capture Core Reagents provide reliable targeted sequencing functionality across a range of panel sizes and multiplexing levels.
  • They work with GeneBioSolution Hyb Panels and GeneBioSolution Universal Blockers for a complete, high-quality target enrichment research solution.

This kit consists of the following core components:

Product Details
GeneBioSolution™ Hybridization and Wash v2 Reagents Optimized buffers, Cot DNA, GeneBioSolution2x HiFi PCR Mix, and streptavidin beads for use with GeneBioSolution™ Hyb Panels in hybridization capture target enrichment
GeneBioSolution™ Hybridization and Wash v2 Beads
GeneBioSolution™ Universal Blockers Proprietary blockers for dual- and single-index adapters, to reduce non-specific adapter interaction during probe hybridization and increase on-target capture performance.
GeneBioSolution™ Library Amplification Primer Mix Premixed P5/P7 primer pairs to amplify indexed NGS libraries, to achieve the necessary yield for sequencing. Available in three reaction sizes, for flexibility.

     4. Hybridization capture oligo Panel/Probes

  • GeneBioSolution Hybridization Panels include high-fidelity, individually synthesized, 5′-biotinylated oligos for targeted NGS research.
  • IDT proprietary DNA synthesis produces rapid, high-quality panels that can be optimized, expanded, and combined with other panels in research studies.

Custom Hybridization based design.

Product Details
Custom Hyb Panel Provides the best trade-off between speed and value. NGS functional testing documentation
Custom Hyb Panel—Accel Has fastest turnaround time for customers (<5 days)*.
Custom Hyb Panel—Production Provides additional quality and NGS functional testing documentation.

Design Probe Qty chart

GeneBioSolution Custom Hyb Panel (5001 – 7500 probes)
GeneBioSolution Custom Hyb Panel (7501-10000 probes)
GeneBioSolution Custom Hyb Panel (10001-25000 probes)
GeneBioSolution Custom Hyb Panel (100001 – 200000 probes)


Targeted Predesigned and Custom Panel Features
GeneBioSolution™ Exome Hyb Panel v2 Content

  • GeneBioSolution™ Exome research Panel v2 was designed against the latest RefSeq 109 annotation (Jan 2019) and native to hg38.
  • RefSeq 109 annotates: ~20K coding genes, ~18K non-coding genes, ~16K pseudogenes, & ~400 immunoglobulin/TCR genes
  • GeneBioSolution™ Exome research Panel v2 targets coding regions of ~50K known RefSeq transcripts.
  • Design 34.25 Mb footprint in v2
  • 415.115 probes covering 39 Mb of probe space manufactured under strict ISO 13485 standards.
GeneBioSolution™ Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Cancer Hybridization Panel The AML panel targets more than 260 recurrently mutated genes associated with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
GeneBioSolution™ Pan-Cancer Hybridization Panel 7816 GeneBioSolution Lockdown Probes, spanning 800 kb of the human genome, for enrichment of 127 significantly mutated genes implicated across 12 tumor tissue types, for deeper sequencing coverage
Inherited Disease Hyb Panel 11.1 Mb of the human genome, designed for targeted enrichment of genes and SNPs associated with the inherited diseases listed.
GeneBioSolution CNV Backbone Hyb Panel spans the entire human genome, allowing you to generate reference coverage data that can be used to detect copy number variations (CNVs). This panel consists of 9,115 individually synthesized GeneBioSolution Lockdown™ Probes spaced approximately every 0.34 Mb across the genome.
GeneBioSolution Human ID Hyb Panel Enables unique identification of individual samples from a larger population. The panel provides genomic target enrichment of a distinctive set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including high minor allele frequency SNPs and a set of 5 gender marker SNPs.
GeneBioSolution Human mtDNA Hyb Panel Designed to simplify the investigation of human mitochondrial genes by delivering optimal coverage across the entire 16 kb human mitochondrial genome.
Minimal residual disease (MRD) research By identifying specific genetic mutations or biomarkers associated with MRD, treatment plans can be individually tailored to target the specific residual cancer cells more effectively which can lead to better treatment outcomes.
GeneBioSolution Custom Hyb Panel (5001 – 200000 probes) The IDT NGS Functional Test Report is provided with the standard GeneBioSolution Custom Hyb Panel and the GeneBioSolution Custom Hyb Panel—Production, which provides evidence that you are receiving a working panel.

In addition, we can provide MGI, Ultima and Element sequencing platforms library prep kit, hybridization capture and panels.