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The Genebio CEN 17/ERBB2 Dual Color Probe is designed for the detection of ERBB2 gene amplification frequently observed in solid malignant neoplasms e.g. breast cancer samples. Amplification of the proto-oncogene ERBB2, observed in approximately 20% of all breast cancer samples, has been correlated with a poor prognosis of the disease.

What is the purpose of the GeneBio Cen 17/ERBB2 dual color probe?

The GeneBio Cen 17/ERBB2 dual color probe serves a crucial purpose in the field of genetics and molecular biology. This innovative probe is specifically designed for the detection and analysis of two important genetic markers, Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2, simultaneously.

The primary purpose of the GeneBio Cen 17/ERBB2 dual color probe is to aid in the identification and characterization of genetic aberrations in cancer cells. Cen 17 is a centromeric marker that helps determine the amplification or deletion of the chromosome 17 centromere region, which is frequently observed in various types of cancers. On the other hand, ERBB2, also known as HER2/neu, is a well-known oncogene that is often amplified and overexpressed in breast and ovarian cancers.

By utilizing this dual color probe, researchers and clinicians can accurately assess the status of both Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 in a single experiment. This enables them to gain valuable insights into the genetic profile of cancer cells, facilitating the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment decisions for patients.

The dual color nature of the probe is especially advantageous as it allows for the visualization and differentiation of the two genetic markers under a fluorescence microscope. The probe is labeled with different fluorochromes, typically green and red, corresponding to Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2, respectively. This color-coded approach simplifies the analysis of genetic abnormalities, making it easier to interpret and distinguish between the two markers. It also increases the efficiency and accuracy of data collection, as researchers can simultaneously observe the presence and distribution of both Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 within cells.

Furthermore, the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe offers high specificity and sensitivity, ensuring reliable results. The probe is designed to bind specifically to the target genetic sequences of interest, minimizing nonspecific binding and background noise. This specificity allows for precise detection and quantification of Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2, even at low levels, providing a comprehensive picture of the genetic alterations present in cancer cells.

In addition to its role in cancer research, the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe has implications in other areas of genetics and molecular biology. It can be used to investigate the role of Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 in normal cell development and function, as well as in other diseases and conditions where these genetic markers may play a role.

Overall, the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe is a valuable tool in the field of genetics and molecular biology. Its ability to simultaneously detect and analyze Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 provides researchers and clinicians with essential information for cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment decisions. With its high specificity, sensitivity, and ease of use, this probe is instrumental in advancing our understanding of genetic aberrations and their implications in various diseases and conditions. Whether used in cancer research or other areas of genetics, the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe offers a powerful and efficient way to study and analyze genetic markers. Its use in combination with a fluorescence microscope allows for accurate visualization and differentiation of Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2, simplifying the interpretation of results. Additionally, the probe’s high specificity and sensitivity ensure reliable and precise detection of these genetic markers, even at low levels.

By utilizing the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe, researchers and clinicians can gain valuable insights into the genetic profile of cancer cells and other biological processes. This information is crucial for making accurate diagnoses, determining patient prognosis, and making informed treatment decisions. Furthermore, the probe’s applications extend beyond cancer research, allowing for investigations into the role of Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 in normal cell development, other diseases, and various conditions.

How does the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe work?

The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe is a powerful tool used in molecular biology and genetics research. This probe is designed to specifically target and visualize two important genes, Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2, simultaneously. By using two different fluorescent dyes, this probe allows researchers to observe the expression and localization of these two genes within cells or tissues.

The probe utilizes the principle of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect the target genes. FISH is a technique that involves the use of fluorescent probes to bind to specific DNA sequences of interest. In the case of the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe, one of the dyes is designed to target the Cen 17 gene, while the other dye targets the Spec ERBB2 gene.

To use the probe, researchers first prepare the sample, which can be cells or tissue sections. The sample is then fixed and treated to make the DNA accessible for probe hybridization. The dual color probe is then applied to the sample and allowed to bind to the complementary DNA sequences of the target genes. After a thorough washing to remove any unbound probe, the sample is ready for visualization under a fluorescent microscope.

When observed under the microscope, the Cen 17 gene will be labeled with one fluorescent dye, usually green, while the Spec ERBB2 gene will be labeled with another fluorescent dye, typically red. This dual labeling allows researchers to easily distinguish the presence and distribution of both Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 within the cells or tissues. The fluorescence emitted by the dyes can be visualized and captured using a fluorescence microscope, allowing for accurate and precise detection of these genetic markers.

The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe offers several advantages in the field of genetics and molecular biology. Its high specificity and sensitivity ensure reliable results by minimizing nonspecific binding and background noise. This specificity allows for the precise detection and quantification of Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2, even at low levels, providing a comprehensive understanding of the genetic alterations present in cancer cells.

Not only is the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe valuable in cancer research, but it also has implications in other areas of genetics and molecular biology. Researchers can use this probe to investigate the role of Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 in normal cell development and function, as well as in other diseases and conditions where these genetic markers may play a role.

The probe’s ease of use and compatibility with a fluorescence microscope simplify the interpretation of results. By utilizing this probe alongside a fluorescence microscope, researchers and clinicians can accurately visualize and differentiate Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2. This enables them to gain valuable insights into the genetic profile of cancer cells and other biological processes.

What are the applications of using the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe?

The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe is a powerful tool with various applications in the field of genetic research and diagnostics. This probe specifically targets two genetic markers, Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2, allowing for simultaneous detection and visualization of these markers in a single assay.

One of the main applications of the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe is in the analysis of breast cancer samples. ERBB2, also known as HER2, is a gene that is often amplified in breast cancer, making it an important biomarker for diagnosis and prognosis. By using this dual-color probe, researchers can identify the amplification of the ERBB2 gene in breast cancer tissue samples, helping to determine the appropriate treatment options for patients.

Furthermore, the Cen 17 marker is used to detect chromosomal abnormalities, specifically the amplification of the centromeric region of chromosome 17. This amplification is commonly observed in breast cancer samples and is often associated with the amplification of the ERBB2 gene. The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe allows researchers to visualize both markers simultaneously, providing valuable information about the genetic makeup of the tumor.

How accurate and reliable is the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe in detecting genetic markers?

Evaluating the Accuracy and Reliability of the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 Dual Color Probe for Genetic Marker Detection Genetic marker detection is crucial in various fields, including medical diagnostics, genetic research, and personalized medicine. The accuracy and reliability of the detection methods employed are of utmost importance to ensure accurate results. In this blog post, we will discuss the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe and evaluate its accuracy and reliability in detecting genetic markers.

Understanding the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 Dual Color Probe: The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe is a commonly used tool in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays. It is designed to detect specific genetic markers, namely the Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 genes.

Accuracy Assessment: To evaluate the accuracy of the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe, extensive testing and comparison with established methods should be conducted. This involves analyzing a diverse range of samples, including both normal and abnormal cases, to assess the probe’s ability to correctly identify the presence or absence of the genetic markers.

Reliability Evaluation: The reliability of a genetic marker detection method can be determined by assessing its consistency and repeatability. This can be achieved by performing replicate experiments using the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe and comparing the results to ensure consistency across experiments. Additionally, the probe’s performance should be evaluated by different operators to determine its reliability under different conditions. Comparison with Established Methods: To fully evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe, it is essential to compare its performance with established methods for genetic marker detection. This can be done by analyzing the same set of samples using both the probe and the established methods, and comparing the results obtained. By doing so, any discrepancies or variations in the probe’s performance can be identified and addressed.

Can the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe be used in clinical diagnostics?

GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 Dual Color Probe: A Potential Tool for Clinical Diagnostics?

Clinical diagnostics play a crucial role in the accurate and timely detection of diseases. As technology continues to advance, new tools and probes are being developed to improve diagnostic accuracy. The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe is one such innovation that holds promise in clinical diagnostics. In this blog post, we will explore the possibilities of using this probe and evaluate its potential in the field.

Understanding the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 Dual Color Probe: The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe is designed to target two specific genes: Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2. Cen 17, also known as centromere 17, is a region on chromosome 17, whereas Spec ERBB2 refers to a specific gene related to the ERBB2 receptor. The probe utilizes two distinct colors to visualize these target genes simultaneously, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of their presence and expression.

Advantages in Clinical Diagnostics:

  1. Simultaneous Detection: The ability to visualize and analyze both Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 genes simultaneously can provide clinicians with a comprehensive assessment of potential abnormalities. This can be particularly valuable in diagnosing cancers, such as breast cancer, where ERBB2 amplification is a significant factor.


  2. Enhanced Accuracy: By leveraging the dual color capabilities of the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe, clinicians can obtain more accurate and reliable results in genetic marker detection. The visualization of both genes simultaneously reduces the chances of false positives or false negatives, improving diagnostic accuracy.


  3. Time Efficiency: The use of the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe can potentially save time in clinical diagnostics. By detecting both genetic markers in a single assay, clinicians can obtain comprehensive information about the tumor’s genetic makeup in a shorter period, allowing for faster diagnosis and treatment decisions.


  4. Potential for Personalized Medicine: The information obtained from the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe can contribute to the advancement of personalized medicine. By understanding the genetic profile of a patient’s tumor, clinicians can tailor treatment plans to target specific genetic abnormalities, leading to more effective and targeted therapies. In conclusion, the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe holds promise as a valuable tool in genetic marker detection and clinical diagnostics. Its accuracy, reliability, and ability to provide comprehensive information make it a potential asset in diagnosing diseases, particularly in cancer cases. Further research and evaluation are necessary to fully explore its capabilities and integrate it into routine clinical practice.

What are the recommended protocols or guidelines for using the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe?

Recommended Protocols and Guidelines for Using the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 Dual Color Probe

As nature enthusiasts, having a solid understanding of the recommended protocols and guidelines for using scientific tools and techniques is essential. In this blog post, we will delve into the recommended protocols and guidelines for using the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe. By following these protocols, you can ensure accurate and reliable results while utilizing this probe.

  1. Equipment Preparation: Before starting your experiment, it is vital to ensure that all equipment and materials are properly prepared. Here are the recommended steps:

a. Microscope Preparation:

  • Ensure the microscope is properly calibrated and in good working condition.
  • Clean the microscope thoroughly to avoid any interference or contamination.
  • Verify that the microscope’s fluorescence filters are suitable for the wavelengths used in the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe.

b. Sample Preparation:

  • Prepare your sample according to the recommended procedure provided by GeneBio.
  • Handle the sample with care to avoid any damage or contamination.
  • Ensure the sample is properly fixed and mounted on slides before proceeding with the probe application.
  1. Probe Application: The GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe offers specific guidelines for its application. Follow these steps to ensure accurate and reliable results:

a. Probe Hybridization:

  • Dilute the probe according to the recommended concentration provided by GeneBio.
  • Apply the probe onto the prepared sample, making sure to cover the entire area of interest.
  • Incubate the sample with the probe at the recommended temperature and duration.b. Washing and Staining:
  • Follow the recommended washing steps to remove any unbound probe and reduce background noise.
  • Apply the appropriate staining solution for each color channel and incubate the sample as instructed by GeneBio.
  • Wash the sample again to remove excess staining solution.
  1. Imaging and Analysis: Once the probe application is complete, it is crucial to image and analyze the sample properly. Here are the recommended steps:a. Microscopy Imaging:


    • Use the appropriate fluorescence filters and settings to capture images of the sample.
    • Ensure that the exposure time and gain settings are optimized for each color channel to obtain clear and accurate fluorescence signals.b. Image Analysis:
    • Utilize image analysis software to quantify and analyze the signals from both Cen 17 and Spec ERBB2 genes.
    • Follow the recommended analysis parameters and thresholds provided by GeneBio to obtain reliable and meaningful results.


  2. Quality Control Measures: To ensure the accuracy and reliability of your results, it is important to implement quality control measures. Here are some recommended steps:

    a. Positive and Negative Controls:

    • Include positive and negative control samples in each experiment to validate the probe’s performance and assess any background noise.
    • When using the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe, several specific requirements for sample preparation should be followed to ensure accurate and reliable results.
    • 1. Tissue Fixation and Processing: Proper fixation and processing of the tissue samples is crucial. It is recommended to fix the tissues in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 12 to 24 hours. After fixation, the samples should be processed and embedded in paraffin blocks following standard protocols.
    • 2. Sectioning: The paraffin-embedded blocks should be sectioned into thin slices, typically around 4-5 micrometers thick. The sections should be mounted on positively charged glass slides suitable for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis.
    • 3. Deparaffinization: Before using the GeneBio Cen 17/Spec ERBB2 dual color probe, the paraffin must be removed from the sections. This can be achieved by deparaffinizing the slides using xylene or a xylene substitute, followed by a series of ethanol washes to rehydrate the tissue.
    • 4. Pretreatment: Proper pretreatment of the tissue sections is essential for optimal probe hybridization. The specific pretreatment steps can vary depending on the laboratory protocol and the target tissue. Generally, heat-induced epitope retrieval (HIER) methods using a citrate buffer at pH 6.0 or a similar solution are recommended. This step helps to unmask the target